How do I complete the CITI Program's Social and Behavioral Research Student Investigators training module?


When you are required to complete CITI training for conducting research on human subjects, you will need to create an account, select courses to add to your account, and complete training.

If you haven't created an account, please see the following link for instructions. Then come back to this document for help on adding your specific course/training module to your training module.

How do I access the CITI Program Training and Create My Account?

Selection of Training Module

Following is a set of questions. The way you answer these questions determines the course/module that will be added to your account. Please follow the instructions below carefully.

  • Question 1: Human Subjects Research:
    • Select "Social & Behavioral Research - Student Investigators." 
  • You may ignore the rest of the questions below. The above choice should assign the three modules of the Social & Behavioral Research Student Investigators course for you. 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click "Complete Registration."
  • Click "Finalize Registration." 

Begin Training

  • Log into your CITI account. You should see a list of your available training modules.
  • Click "View Courses." 

  • Under "Courses Ready to Begin" click "Start Now" next to the course you will be taking. 

  • Read through the Assurance Statement, click the box next to "I AGREE..." and click "Submit." 
  • The following modules are the ones you should see for this particular course. Click "Start" to begin. 
  • CITI has a save function and will allow you to leave and come back to finish later.
  • You will be required to complete each module and earn an 80% correct on each. You will be able to re-take modules if you do not achieve 80%.

Adding/Removing Courses

If you've selected a course that you don't need, or if you need to add one once you have finished registration, you may do that within your account.

  • After logging in, click "Courses."
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the window select either "Add a Course" or "Remove a Course" under the "Learner Tools for Carthage College" heading. 
  • You will be asked to select a curriculum from a list of questions. Choose the options you have been assigned.

Certification of Completion

  • Upon completion, CITI will provide you with a certificate of completion for this course.
  • Download and save the certificate as a PDF.
  • Provide the certificate to your faculty for verification of completion.


If you have questions about navigating the CITI training, please contact

  • Last Updated Jun 14, 2024
  • Views 3698
  • Answered By Sarah Mueller

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