How do I order toner for a Carthage printer?


For any laser printers other than the shared Conon copiers, the College recommends that toner be purchased from Environmental Innovations. Among the advantages:

  • Better pricing
  • Better sustainability in that they refill cartridges, take away the empties, etc.
  • Support for a local company from Milwaukee.
  • Possibly faster service in an urgent situation in that they can deliver locally with a van service.
  • When you use their cartridges, printer cleanings are free, and if you need repair, they only charge for parts but not labor.

For issues with the shared Canon copiers, please email Library and Information Services manages those machines.

Carthage College has a longstanding agreement with Environmental Innovations for toner and ink cartridges.  When purchasing toner cartridges from EI, labor for your laser printer service is offered at no charge.  Parts are extra and billed as necessary.  Environmental Innovations offers remanufactured toner cartridges, and this has allowed Carthage College the opportunity to add one more area in their sustainability initiative that they are keeping green with recycling toner cartridges.  

To Order Toner Cartridges

Orders for toner cartridges are typically placed to us through your Administrative Assistant for your department.  If you do not have a “go-to” person, please email for ordering information.  

Delivery/Pick-up of Supplies

Supply orders will be delivered on the business day following the date of order.  Non-stock items will be delivered within two business days from the date of order. All deliveries will be made to the mailroom.  Empty toner cartridges will be picked up at the time of delivery. Please take your empties to the designated area in the mailroom for recycling.

  • Last Updated Jun 14, 2024
  • Views 106
  • Answered By Sarah Mueller

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