What does it mean when a sign-in attempt was blocked (GTempAccount)?
You may have received a notice in your Carthage email account that a "Sign-in attempt was blocked" and the account noted in that message has an address like "...@gtempaccount.com." This isn’t necessarily a phishing or hacking attempt. What may have happened, is that a service at one time had access to your Gmail account, but doesn’t anymore. In order to resolve this issue, you will need to delete the GTempAccount.
- Log in to the GTemp account listed in the message above. If you don’t know the password to your account, click the “Forgot password?” link and follow the instructions to reset it.
- Once inside the account, navigate to My Account (https://myaccount.google.com/) in the same browser.
- Click on “Data & personalization” at the left.
- Scroll down to the “Download, delete, or make a plan for your data. Choose “Delete a service or your account.”
- You may choose “Delete your account” from this screen (MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE IN YOUR GTEMPACCOUNT AND NOT YOUR REAL GMAIL ACCOUNT).
- Follow the steps to finish the deletion.