How do I use a language keyboard on iPad or iPhone?



Table of Contents

  1. Adding & Removing Keyboard Languages on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod running iOS 9
    1. Adding a Keyboard Language
    2. Removing a Keyboard Language
  2. Switching Between Keyboard Languages using the Software Keyboard
  3. Switching Between Keyboard Languages using a Bluetooth Keyboard

iOS devices (iPads, iPhones, iPod Touches) support multiple languages and multiple keyboard language layouts, just like any other modern computer. This short guide explains how to add & remove keyboard languages, as well as switching between those keyboard languages while you're typing.

Adding & Removing Keyboard Languages in iOS 9

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Navigate to General > Keyboards (scroll down) > Keyboards.
  3. You're presented with a list of currently active keyboards.

Step 1

Step 2A

Step 2B

Step 2C

Step 3

Adding a Keyboard Language

  1. Tap Add New Keyboard....
  2. Scroll through the list of keyboards to find the one you want, then tap on it.
  3. Rinse & repeat to add more keyboard languages.

Step 1

Step 2: Why not Greek?

Step 3

Removing a Keyboard Language

  1. Tap Edit in the upper right keyboard.
  2. Each item in the list of active keyboards now has a white minus in a red circle next to it. Tap the white minus next to the keyboard you want to remove.
  3. Tap the Delete button that appears next to the keyboard you just selected.
  4. Rinse & repeat to remove keyboard languages.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Switching Between Keyboard Languages using the Software Keyboard

  1. In the lower left corner of the keyboard, there's a globe.
  2. Tap and hold the globe to bring up the list of active keyboards, then tap the keyboard language you want to use.
  3. Rinse & repeat to switch between languages.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3: I clearly picked German.

Switching Between Keyboard Languages using a Bluetooth Keyboard

In iOS 9, Apple changed the hardware keyboard shortcuts for Bluetooth keyboards connected to iPads, iPhones, and iPods running iOS 9. Some keyboards (like the ones that LIS provides with iPads to faculty/staff) have dedicated keyboard language switching buttons (the key in the bottom left corner with a wireframe globe on it). That key now triggers a Spotlight search (couldn't tell you who thought that was a good idea...). To trigger the keyboard language picker, you now have to press Ctrl + Spacebar, and the picker will appear in the middle of your screen. Tap Spacebar to cycle through the list.

The switcher will pop up in the middle of the screen.

  • Last Updated Mar 01, 2023
  • Views 24
  • Answered By Sarah Mueller

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