How do I fix the "Administrator Privilege Error" when licensing IBM SPSS on Macs?


After installing IBM SPSS on a Mac, you'll occasionally run into an "Administrator Privilege Error" while trying to license SPSS. This error is due to an issue with the SPSS installer that doesn't give the /Applications/IBM folder proper permissions. This guide will show you how to fix that.

  1. Quit any open IBM applications (SPSS, SPSS License Authorization Wizard).
  2. Open a Finder window and navigate to /Applications/IBM/Statistics.
  3. There's a folder for the version of SPSS you just installed, e.g., 25. Right-click (or Option-Click) that folder > Select Get Info from the pop-up menu.
  4. At the bottom of the Get Info window, under the Sharing & Permissions section, click the lock icon and enter your computer password to unlock it.
  5. Make sure that the Name admin has the Privilege Read & Write (Click on the up/down arrow icon to the right of the Name "admin" to change its corresponding Privilege value.)
  6. Click the gear icon at the bottom of the Sharing & Permissions section, and select Apply to enclosed items....
  7. You'll be given a warning along the lines of "Are you sure you want to apply the selected permissions to all enclosed items?" Click OK. If you're prompted for your computer password, provide it.
  8. When it's done, click the lock at the bottom of the Get Info window to lock it.
  9. Restart your computer, log back in to your computer user, launch the SPSS Statistics License Authorization Wizard (located at /Applications/IBM/SPSS/[your version number]/SPSS Statistics License Authorization Wizard), and try entering your license code again

If you still get a permissions error, make an appointment with Richard LaHue via Request Tracker (email and Cc

  • Last Updated Mar 01, 2023
  • Views 92
  • Answered By Sarah Mueller

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