How do I install the Natural Reader text to speech application?
For other how-to and videos, please visit the “How to” section on the Natural Reader website:
- Navigate to in your browser. If you have a previous version of Natural Reader, you will need to uninstall that program.
- Scroll down to “Download Free Version” and click the “Download” button.
- Click the button for which platform you are using: Mac or Windows.
- The download should begin automatically, but you may have to click on the standardsetup.exe file on your desktop or in your Downloads folder.
- Click “Next” on the InstallShield Wizard screen.
- Click the radio button next to “I accept the terms in the license agreement.” Click “Next.”
- You don’t have to enter anything special in the Customer Information window. Click “Next.”
- Click “Next” in the Destination Folder window.
- Click “Install” in the next window.
- Click “Finish” in the InstallShield Wizard Completed” window.
- Click on the NaturalReaderFree icon. It should open a screen like this. Click on a pdf you want to open. You shouldn’t need to log in or create an account to use it. You do not need to purchase anything or upgrade.
- Press “Play” when the document opens. You should hear a reader reading the text out loud.