How do I retrieve documents within a document type or document type group in Onbase?


When performing a Document Retrieval search, you can filter the search area by “Document Type” or “Document Type Group.” The system will include in the search all documents that match your selected Document Types or Document Type Group.

  1. From the “Document Retrieval” dialog box, select one or more “Document Types” or a “Document Type Group.” If you select a Document Type Group, all Document Types belonging to the group display in the right pane upon selection.
  2. If you select only one Document Type, the Keyword Types associated with your Document Type appear in the Keywords section. When more than one Document Types are selected, the list of Keyword Types displayed is limited to Common Keywords, which are the Keyword Types common to the selected Document Types. Enter the Keyword Values for which you wish to search. You can further refine your search with comparative and logical operators.
  3. Select the desired month or a range of dates from the Dates select list, which automatically populates the “From” and “To” fields.
  4. Click “Find” to initiate the search or click “Text Search” to search for a specific word, number, or phrase in documents within the specified Document Type group.


  • Last Updated Mar 01, 2023
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Sarah Mueller

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