How do I access Course Evaluations as a department chair?

I am a department chair.  How do I view the results of the course evals for the faculty in my department?


Faculty Course Evaluations - Instructions for Department Chairs/Program Directors

1. The CourseEval program is accessible via OneLogin. Once logged in to OneLogin, you will see a CoursEval icon in the "Carthage: Everything" tab.

2. Once in CoursEval, you will only see your own recent courses initially.

3. Click the reports icon at the upper left, and then click "Evaluation Reports."

4. When you click on Evaluation Reports, you should be able to see all faculty that teach in your department.

5. If you can't see someone who teaches in your department, please reach out to for LIS to assist you.

  • Last Updated Mar 01, 2023
  • Views 127
  • Answered By Carol Sabbar

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