What is Grammarly and how do I use it?


What Is Grammarly?

Carthage College holds a college-wide license to Grammarly, a software program designed to support student proofreading and grammar learning in the context of their own writing. Grammarly can also check for plagiarism and offer word choice suggestions.

You may access Grammarly via the OneLogin portal.

Three Ways to Use Grammarly

Grammarly is available to all faculty and students at Carthage College.

Add Grammarly to browser

Grammarly provides a free browser extension for:

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Firefox
  • Edge (Formerly known as Internet Explorer)

First open one of the browsers above and go to https://www.grammarly.com. Navigate to a green button that says “Add to _____ It’s free” 

(Note that Grammarly recognizes which browser you’re in so the blank space will say the browser that’s currently open).

  1. Click “Allow”. Software should start to download
  2. Click “Add” to give software permissions
  3. Click “Okay” to finalize
  4. The Grammarly icon should now appear in your browser toolbar
  5. If you do not already have an account, you will be prompted to create one.


Add Grammarly to desktop

Go to https://www.grammarly.com/native/. Grammarly will recognize whether you are using a Windows or Mac computer and a button should show up that says “Download Grammarly for (Windows or Mac)”.

  1. Click the red download button
  2. Once the software has been fully downloaded click “Open”
  3. A popup of a tour should appear either click through the tour or click “Skip”
  4. You will then be taken to a Member Login Page
  5. Either create a new login or enter your login credentials
  6. You will then be taken to the homepage


Use Grammarly online

You can use Grammarly without downloading anything. Go to https://grammarly.com to paste text or upload your document. 


To paste:

  1. Click “New”
  2. Type your title
  3. Paste (Ctrl+V) your text
    You can also type directly in this textbook

To upload a document:

  1. Click “Upload”
  2. Locate document (.doc, .docx, or .txt)
  3. Double click or Select “Open”


Find answers to your questions about Grammarly at support.grammarly.com.

Need help understanding Grammarly’s suggestions or deciding what changes to accept? The Writing Fellows at the Brainard Writing Center are happy to help you sort through the recommendations, decide what makes sense, what doesn’t, and how to move forward. Learn more about the Writing Center at www.carthage.edu/writing-center.


  • Last Updated Jun 14, 2024
  • Views 4643
  • Answered By Sarah Mueller

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