How do I install and use the EndNote citation manager?


EndNote (My EndNote Web) is an online citation capture and organization tool, which Carthage provided through Web of Science, one of our online databases. With EndNote you can export your citations, organize, remove, and create a bibliography or works cited page. There is also a plug-in for Word, in which you can create citations in Word while you write your paper.


Create Your Account

You must create your EndNote account while on campus to ensure that your account can be verified through the Carthage subscription. After the initial on-campus account creation, you may access your EndNote account through the following website:

From a browser connected to the Carthage network, go to

  1. Choose “create an account.”
  2. Enter your Carthage email address.
  3. Once logged in, you will see an “EndNote” option on the top toolbar. This will take you to the EndNote page.
  4. From this page, you may use the software to collect and manage your citations.
  5. We encourage you to also install the plug-in for Microsoft Word which will allow you to “Cite While You Write.” After installing the plug-in and collecting citations in EndNote, you may write in Word and have the software and plug-in pull your citations from EndNote and place them right into your Word document.


Logging in to EndNote

After the initial on-campus account creation, you may access your EndNote account through the following website from anywhere: Enter your Carthage email address and EndNote password you created when setting up your account.


Adding Citations to EndNote

You may push citations to your EndNote account from a library database (you do not need to be searching the Web of Science database). After performing a search in the Carthage College Catalog click on an item to access its full record. Near the top of the record, look for the “Cite/Export” link. Click that link and look for “Export to EndNote/Reference Manager” under the “Export a citation” heading.

When you export citations you may be asked by your browser whether you’d like to open or save your .ris file. The options will be different on each browser.

  • In Chrome the .ris file will automatically save to your computer. Double-click on the file and you will be prompted to enter your EndNote credentials. You should get a pop-up saying your reference was exported to
  • In Firefox, choose the option to “Open to ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper.” Log in at the prompt.
  • In Internet Explorer, the browser will ask if you want to open or save your .ris file. Choose "Open." Log in at the prompt.
  • On Mac, choose the option to “Open with…EndNote from your Applications folder.

In your EndNote account, the records you exported from a database should be in your “Unfiled” references folder.


Install the EndNote Plug-in for Word

  1. Once you’ve logged in to EndNote click on the “Format” tab near the top of the page.
  2. Choose “Cite While You Write Plug-In.”
  3. Click either the “Download Windows” or the “Download Macintosh” links and follow the prompts.
  4. Registration prompt: When the prompt asks you to enter your name and company, just press “Enter.” These fields are optional.
  5. Set Server prompt: When the prompt asks you to “Set Server” choose the “Default (” option.
  6. Select Destination prompt: When the prompt asks you to “Select Destination” choose where you’d like the plug-in installed. Typically that will be in the Program Files (PC) or Applications (Mac).
  7. Select Features prompt: when the prompt asks you to “Select Features” highlight the “Cite While You Write for Microsoft Word” option.
  8. Finish the installation by choosing “Next” and “Finish.”


Use the EndNote Plug-in for Word

  1. Open Microsoft Word and begin writing your paper.
  2. When you come to a place where you would like to cite something:
    1. On Windows choose the tab on the top of your screen that says “Endnote.” Log in when prompted.
    2. On a Mac click “Tools,” and choose the first option for the “Endnote Web” drop-down menu.
    3. You may need to log in under the “Preferences > Application” choice in the “Endnote Web” tab or menu.
    4. Once logged in, go back to your paper, choose “Find Citation” under the “Endnote Web” tab (PC) or the “Tools>Endnote Web>Find Citation” (Mac). 
    5. In the box that appears, type the first few letters of the author’s name or the title of the article.
    6. Double click the correct citation.
    7. Continue writing your paper and placing in the appropriate citations.
  • Last Updated Mar 01, 2023
  • Views 438
  • Answered By Sarah Mueller

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