Meet: How do I use Google Meet videoconferencing?


Videoconferencing for Classes, Groups, or One-on-One Meetings for the Carthage Community

Video 1: How to set up and run a Google Meet Videoconference

Video 2: How to set up a future date/time for a Google Meet Videoconference

Because Carthage uses Google products, we have access to their video conferencing tool called Meet ( Meetings can happen instantly or can be set up ahead of time. Inside the meeting, users can share their webcams, share their screens, or use the chat feature. This product works well with mobile devices.

1. Setting up a Google Meet that you want to take place immediately

  • Make sure you are logged in to your Carthage email account.
  • Open up another window in your browser and type in "" You may also find it within your Google Apps. 
  • Click on "Join or start a meeting." 
  • Give the meeting a name, then click "Continue." 
  • Click on "Join now." 
  • You may email or chat the join link directly to users by selecting "Copy joining info" or click on "Add people." Type their name and the invite is sent to their Carthage email account.
  • Note: When users click on the link to join the meeting from their email, they will then need to click on an icon that says "Join Meeting."
  • If you want to record the meeting click on the 3 vertical dots on the lower right. 

2. Setting up a class or meeting that takes place in the future.

  • Go to your Google Calendar and set up the name and time of the meeting
  • Click on "More options."
  • Choose "Add conferencing."
  • Select "Hangouts Meet." 
  • To the far right of Hangouts Meet click on the down arrow to get more information about attending the meeting. When you invite guests using the "Add guests" function of Calendar, they will receive the link for accessing the meeting.

If you have questions, please email

  • Last Updated Jun 14, 2024
  • Views 77
  • Answered By Sarah Mueller

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